LC Schools thanks our United States Veterans from all branches of service who have served our great country! We especially want to thank our veteran employees, who continue to serve their community and our students! We appreciate you! @LawrenceCoSch
3 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
Reminder: LC Schools will be closed on November 4th and 5th (Election Day) for the scheduled break! We hope our families have a safe and relaxing extended weekend! Remember to go vote on Nov 5th! @LawrenceCoSchools
3 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
October is Principal Appreciation Month! LC Schools appreciates our principals' leadership, hard work, and dedication to their students, faculty, and staff. Our principals have definitely made a difference in their student's lives! Let’s have some fun and see if you can identify the current LC principals and assistant principals in these way-back Wednesday photos! We've added some fun facts as hints! Click on the QR code or the link to discover who’s who! Link:
3 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
LC Elementary Schools will celebrate Red Ribbon Week from Monday, October 28th, through Friday, November 1st! Blaine Elementary, Fallsburg Elementary, Louisa East, and Louisa West have weekly dress-up days. Check out their activities planned throughout next week! @LawrenceCoSch
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
Congratulations to Louisa East Elementary School for being ranked by the KSA as a green school! Louisa East's Principal, Mr. Dixon, always encourages students to work hard and do their best. The students, guided by their teachers, worked diligently on their journey to become a green school! Louisa East even painted a green hallway so the 4th—and 5th-grade students could sign their names and take pride in this outstanding accomplishment! Congratulations, Louisa East, on going GREEN!
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
Thank you to our LC Schools Family Resource and Youth Service Center coordinators for attending the LCHD Health Fair held at the LC Community Center! The FRYSCs discussed their current programs and gave away free digital thermometers! @LawrenceCoSch
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
Reminder! The Angel Tree/Holiday sign-up schedules are set for LC Schools! BES: Thursday, Oct 17th & Friday, Oct 18th from 12 PM- 2 PM at the BES FRYSC FES: Wednesday, Oct 23rd from 9 AM- 12 PM & 4 PM- 6 PM at the FES FRYSC LWES, LEES, LMS, LCHS: Thursday, Oct 17th from 2:30 PM- 5 PM at the LC Extension Office @LawrenceCoSch
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
lc schools
lc schools
LC Schools would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each member of our custodial staff! Your hard work not only keeps our campus looking sharp and our school buildings clean and sanitized, but also sets a shining example for our students. Your caring smiles, laughter, conversation, and work ethic are a testament to your dedication and contribute significantly to our school's positive environment. You are always there to lend a helping hand to our students and staff, and for that, we are truly grateful. Thank you for all that you do for our schools! @LawrenceCoSch
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
lc schools
LC Schools is celebrating Digital Citizenship Week from Monday, Oct 14, to Friday, Oct 18th! Each day, there is a tech tip and dress-up fun! Let's all do our part to be responsible digital citizens! @LawrenceCoSch
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
The Louisa Fire Department will host an open house at the Louisa Community Center on Pike St. on Oct 12th from 12:00-4:00 PM. Health screenings, fire engine rides, inflatables, fire safety instructions, and food trucks will be on-site! Visit and enjoy the fun! @LawrenceCoSchool
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
October is National Principals Month, and we spotlight our outstanding principals throughout the LC School District! Thank you for being dedicated leaders who go above and beyond for our students and staff members. We appreciate your commitment to our students, schools, and community!
4 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
Reminder: LC Schools will be closed Monday, September 30th, through Friday, October 4th, for the scheduled Fall Break! We hope our students, staff, and their families have a safe and relaxing break! School will resume on Monday, October 7, 2024! @LawrenceCoSch
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
Attention! LC Schools will be closed on Friday, September 27, 2024, utilizing NTI Day #1. The National Weather Service predicts heavy rain, potential flooding, and heavy winds on Friday afternoon. Please stay safe and up-to-date on weather conditions in our area! @LawrenceCoSch
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
LC Schools sends their well wishes to our student, Gunner Stepp, a 5th-grade student from Blaine Elementary, who recently had a life-saving liver transplant. We invite the community to send Gunner get-well mail as he continues to heal at Cincinnati Children's Hospital! @LawrenceCoSch
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
LC Schools
Congratulations to Mrs. Jennifer Rose, who recently received the KAPS 2024 Psychologist of the Year Award! Mrs. Rose works with our District Resource Teacher team to ensure students ' needs are addressed and met. Thank you, Mrs. Rose, for your care and devotion to the students of Lawrence County! @LawrenceCoSch
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
lc schools
Louisa East Elementary introduces its girls' basketball coach, Ms. Sturgell! She loves basketball and hopes to provide her players with a fun and beneficial experience. She discusses how participation in sports may help foster positive attributes in students. @LawrenceCoSch
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
Please read this important message from Trooper Goodall of the KY State Police. The safety of our students is our top most priority at LC Schools!
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
LC Schools humbly honors this day of remembrance for the 2,977 individuals who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. We also remember our heroes who selflessly gave their lives to save others. Let us take a moment to reflect on our blessings and freedoms! @LawrenceCoSch
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
High Attendance Day is set for Thursday, September 12th, in KY! LC Schools will compete with schools across the state for high attendance, with our goal set at 100%! Attendance directly affects a student's education. Remember, Attendance Matters!
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze
Save the Date! LC Schools RedBook Training will be held on Tuesday, September 9th, at 5:00 PM at the Louisa Middle School. This financial training is vital for anyone who works with school teams, clubs, fundraisers, and school activity funds. @LawrenceCoSchools
5 months ago, Sarah Gauze