Character Counts! Responsibility!

There will be no After School ESS tomorrow, Wednesday, October 19, 2022. ESS will resume on Thursday, October 20, 2022.

We have Smencils for sale at school for $1.00. Students can buy these from their homeroom teacher.

Kona Ice is coming this week!!!

LWES School Pictures are now available for the 22-23 school year. See the attached flyer...

Red Ribbon Week 10/24-10/28

Staff Spotlight

Don't miss our make-up pictures on Thursday!!!!

Character Counts! RESPECT

Louisa West Elementary School held its annual Grandparent's Day Ice Cream social on Sept 20th, 2022!

LWES will have make up pictures on Thursday, September 29. If you missed pictures earlier this month, please plan on attending to have your school pictures made.

Character Counts! RESPECT
***Be Polite & Courteous!***

Staff Spotlight for this Week

Book Fair is happening this week.

We would like to thank the LC Public Library for supplying our students with a book today!!! We have a great library that loves our students!!!

Book Fair is Next Week!!!!

Tomorrow is High Attendance Day! Help your school have the best attendance in the state! #AllinLC

Just a final reminder for tomorrow...

Staff Spotlight For this week

Kona Ice is Coming this week!!