LWES Upcoming Student Events...
about 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
LWES Upcoming Events
Please join us for Readifest!!!
about 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
LWES Readifest
If you have a child that needs to enroll for the 2022-23 school year, call 638-4726 to begin the process.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Join us for Summer Jump Start on July 27th-29th from 10:00-12:00. All Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students are welcome to attend. Fill out the form below and return to LWES or email it to Mr. Maynard.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Jump Start
Thank you so much to LCHS FFA for the flowers and for bringing students down to teach our students how to plant flowers.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Thank you to Laken Dillon from Fitness by Faith for putting LWES students through Boot Camp yesterday afternoon! Our students had a blast!!!
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
We will have an ice cream truck tomorrow at LWES!!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Ice Cream Truck
Thank you Mountain Movers and The Garden Theater for allowing LWES to preview the production of "Big Fish!" Our students loved it!!!
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Kona Ice will be at Summer School tomorrow!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Kona Ice
For Summer School Students. The 2 papers pictured below went home with students today. One of them is a permission slip for a walking field trip. We will be walking to the library tomorrow so please send it back tomorrow. Also students need a water bottle during the day.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Permission Slip
Summer school begins tomorrow! Summer school goes from 9:00-2:30. Student drop-off begins at 8:30. All students will be dropped off at the kindergarten drop-off doors. Student pick up will be in the same area. Buses will be running one hour later than normal.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Thank you to Apperson Lodge for the bicycles they donated for our students. All 4 students had excellent attendance for the school year and was awarded one of these bicycles.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Our Spring Programs and Awards are Wednesday.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Spring Programs
Due to high water issues, Lawrence County Schools will be releasing early today. Bus loading schedule: Louisa East/West - 12:30 PM Louisa Middle/LCHS - 1 PM Blaine/Fallsburg - Shortly after 1:30 PM Thank you for being ALL IN!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Robbie Fletcher
Due to high water issues, Lawrence County Schools will be releasing early today. Bus loading schedule: Louisa East/West - 12:30 PM Louisa Middle/LCHS - 1 PM Blaine/Fallsburg - Shortly after 1:30 PM Thank you for being ALL IN!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Robbie Fletcher
LC schools will be dismissing early today. Louisa West Elementary will begin dismissal procedures at 12:30.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
We will be having Inflatables tomorrow at LWES. Please send your child in shoes that are easy for them to slip on and off.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
We will be providing Summer School again this year. All students are welcome to attend. Come by LWES today to fill out an application.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Summer School
Kona Ice is coming to LWES.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Kona Ice
Friday, April 29, LC Schools will have pre-school and kindergarten registration at the Lawrence County Community Center. See the attachment for details.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration