Lawrence County Board of Education

Regular Meeting Summary

September 19, 2022


A regular meeting of the Lawrence County Board of Education was held in the LCHS library on September 19, 2022, at 6:00 PM.  Board members Heath Preston (Chairman), Jim See, Garnett Skaggs, Maddlene Roberts, and Barbara Robinson were all present for the meeting.

Dr. Robbie Fletcher gave the communication update on events throughout the LC School District.  Dr. Fletcher was a committee member on the standards setting process for state testing on September 13-14, 2022.  The Local Advisory Council met to discuss and approve the results of the standards setting process.  The LCHS Girls Soccer Team are 2A Sectional Champions and competed in the KY State Championship.  The Local Planning Committee will hold a second meeting on Tue, September 21, 2022, in the LCHS Library.  Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Brady, and Mrs. Sammons attended the KY Innovative Learning Network Kickoff on Friday, September 16, 2022.  Public Relations Coordinator, Sarah Gauze discussed upcoming activities within the LC School District.

The minutes for the August 15, 2022, Regular Board Meeting, the August 22, 2022, Special Meeting, and the September 1, 2022, Special Meeting were all approved.  The claims and orders of the treasurer, including food supplies, milk orders, speech therapy needs, and other various needs were approved.  The monthly financial report was delivered by finance officer, Ms. Brandi Vanhoose.  The beginning balance for August was $10,942,954.  The total revenue for August was $3,334,914.  Expenditures for the month totaled $1,710,382.  An amount of 9.28 million of the fund balance is designated for the career technical building project. The ending balance for the month of August was $12,369,812.

The board approved the expenses for board members to attend the KSBA Regional Fall Meeting Tuesday, October 18, 2022.  Also, for training per diem as allowed for the KRS-mandated training during those meetings.  The board approved fundraising for the LCHS Girls Soccer Team for travel out-of-state on Sat, October 29, 2022, to Kings Island as a celebration trip for their successful season.  The LCHS FFA was approved for out-of-state travel to Indianapolis, IN for the National FFA Competition on October 25-29, 2022. Youth wrestling was approved to use facilities for their practices and events.  The LCHS will be the location for a cheer competition on October 29-30, 2022.  Megan Spillman and other teachers received permission to apply for the 2022-2023 Arts Inclusion Program.

The board approved the invoice no. 1963-00010 for $20,349.04 for the professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the Softball Facilities Project/Athletics Upgrades BG:22-147, August 1-31, 2022.  It was approved to advertise for bids for snow removal on school property.  The payment of textbook costs was approved for Craft and Gatton Academy students.  They also approved to confirm the Letter of Summary of Auditing Services by Wells & Co., P.S.C. for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year not to exceed $23,500.

All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools.  The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas & meetings with be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at www.lawrence.k12.ky.us.