LC Schools

Lawrence County Board of Education

Regular Meeting

June 19, 2023

LCHS at 6:00 PM

 The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Lawrence County High School in the library on May 30, 2023, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice Chair), Garnett Skaggs, Barbara Robinson, and Susie Rice were all present in person.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. See. The first order of business was to approve the agenda, as presented.  There were no student/staff presentations or recognitions. 

 In communications, Dr. Fletcher gave the Superintendent’s update.

  • LC Schools will be offering tuition-free preschool for the 2023-2024 school year.  ESSER funding will be used to provide tuition-free preschool.
  • LC Schools had good enrollment with 367 students participating in the program on the highest attendance day. 
  • Dr. Fletcher reviewed having served on the KASS Superintendent’s Summit on June 12, 2023, on two panels and as a facilitator.  He was also nominated to serve on the statewide accountability review committee, which will make recommendations to LSAC as well as to the KY Board of Education.
  • The LC Football turf project is roughly estimated to be completed in 6 weeks, pending weather conditions.  The company determined the gravel layers are too soft for the turf to be installed.  The company is going to fix the current issues by correcting the sub-grid, adding cloth, and applying a layer of gravel.  The roughly estimated timeline gives a completion date of July 30, pending weather conditions and other construction factors.  Football practice alternative locations have been presented until the turf completion.
  • Dr. Fletcher presented the Portrait of a Graduate to a recent innovations summit at Bullitt County.
  • The Dolly Parton Imagination Library representatives have presented a revised agreement with the recommended corrections.  The book selections have all been reviewed by Ms. Webb, CAO.  The Rotary Club may donate monies for the needed funding.  There will not be funding taken out of the LC Schools general fund.

There were no public comments.

 In student learning and support services, the May 15, 2023, Regular Meeting Minutes and May 30, 2023, Special Minutes/Tentative Budget Work Session minutes were approved.

 In the Claims and Orders of the Treasurer, Dr. Fletcher explained costs associated with physical therapy, food service, and other regular working usage costs. 

 The monthly financial report was given by Finance Officer, Brandi Peters.  The beginning balance for May of 2023 was $6,905,545.  The total revenue was $3, 215,064.  The expenditure amount totaled $2,591,484.  The Fund 1 cash balance was $2,875,529.  The ending balance for all funds was $7,526,047.  Dr. Fletcher explained that this is a very good cash balance heading into the new school year.  The district looked at ways to save money in order to prepare for the changes in how the state fund will fund school districts in 2023-2024.  Dr. Fletcher explained that the state will be moving from the pre-COVID attendance numbers to current attendance numbers. Unfortunately, our student daily attendance has decreased by approximately 3% in the past few years, which is a common issue across the state.  This decrease will cost the district approximately $500,000 in the upcoming year and for each year following, unless attendance improves. After the explanation, the financial report was approved.

 In the consent agenda, there were many regular operational renewals listed for approval.  There were also several uses of facilities requests for various events and programs.

 The board approved Preschool Director, Ms. Colvin, to apply in partnership with Martin/Johnson Counties for the 2023-2024 Continuation Grant for Regional Collaboratives.  This will help in the funding of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library reading program.  They also accepted an award from the Preschool Regional Training Center, Ashland, KY for a sensory classroom at LWES, valued at over $32,000. 

 In construction/building and grounds projects/updates, the Softball Facilities Project outside construction is rapidly being completed.  The board approved paying application #6 to CPR Construction.  They also approved the payment of several invoices to LE Gregg Associates.  The Blaine and Fallsburg Wastewater Treatment Facilities options information was not available, so the motion was tabled.  The LCHS Vocational Education Center (LAVEC) renovation and expansion plans were received for Phase I, along with the vocational building/greenhouse, and Phase 2, consisting of the inside school renovations.

 The board approved the LC Schools District insurance for the 2023-2024 school year with Joe Young Insurance. Insurance has increased 16% from last year due to the inflation of building materials, increased labor costs, and other global issues. 

 Chief Academic Officer, Ms. Webb gave the implementation update and progress monitoring report for the 2023-2024 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP).  She discussed the LETRS training provided free of charge through KDE.  Also, teachers within the district are highlighted and selected for outstanding teaching methods and participate in professional development training for other LC School educators.  There were many other positive highlights within the report. 

 LCHS Principal, Ms. Brady provided the progress monitoring report for the LCHS CSIP, including the school’s Targeted Support and Improvement.  She discussed testing score increases for MAP and ACT tests.  The school currently offers 16 education pathways.  They are adding a Fire Science pathway with an EMT certification and also an Educational/Teaching pathway.  

 An update of the Dataseam Information Technology Apprenticeship Program with an Internship Program was provided by Mr. Burns.  The program offers placement for four student apprenticeships.  An application, interview process, and video submission are required to be considered for the program.  The renewal of the participation agreement between KY Dataseam and LC Schools was approved. The equipment addendum agreement was also approved. 

 The LC Board approved permission to seek bids for two SUVs for the purpose of home visits, delivering supplies, etc.  They also approved seeking bids for a UTV for regular district and turf maintenance purposes.  It was approved to seek bids for scheduled maintenance on board-owned vehicles.  There was approval to seek bids for Food Service staffing services, in the event not enough workers were hired prior to the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.  

The second reading of the revised policy on the Use of Buses by Outside Groups was approved.  This policy will allow outside groups, including the fair board, to utilize the buses for transportation.  This policy was not in place last year.  The LC Board approved the first reading of the 2023 Annual KSBA Policy Updates.  One of the new updates includes the parental notification of any sexual education classes to be taught two weeks prior to the scheduled class.  They also have a defined section for hazing. Another change includes student expulsion.  If a student is expelled from school, there will now be a reentry hearing that must be attended by students and their guardians. 

 There was a discussion of the potential restructuring of the pay scales and salary schedules for the 2024-2025 school year.  The goal is to align more closely with pay offered by surrounding districts.  The 2023-2024 LC Schools pay scale and salary schedule were approved.  The 2023-2024 Employee Handbook and Parent/Student Handbook were approved.  The Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation was set for June 21, 2023.  The LC Board approved and acknowledged the receipt of the superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update.  The meeting was adjourned.

 The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on July 17, 2023, at the LCHS library at 6:00 PM.  All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas & meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at